Karibu (kar-ee-boo)

Out of the handful of Kiswahili words I have learned during my time in Kenya, one stands out: Karibu. Karibu means "welcome" and it is both the first word I heard in Kenya and the word I have heard most often here. Shae & Jason welcomed me into their Nairobi home during my stay and I was greeted warmly by the organizations they have partnerships with. 

We spent many days at Kings Kids Village, a home for children affected by extenuating circumstances (HIV/AIDS, death of parents, community violence). ShaΓ© counsels several of the children there and Jason has organized a soccer team amongst the boys. I was able to provide training in the areas of appropriate discipline, teenage mental health, and self-care to the caregivers and teachers who tirelessly provide for these children. We facilitated a few outings to give the children opportunities for fellowship and leisure time off-campus, providing a "spa day" for the girls and a trip to Karura Forest for the boys.

We attended church alongside these young women at another partner home for teenage mothers. With a familiar "karibu," they invited me to explore their facilities and meet their children. ShaΓ© and I later returned with school supplies and toiletries to offer the girls. We hosted a parenting training and the young women impressed me with their eagerness to learn about how to nurture their children.

Within a few days of my trip, it was easy to see how ShaΓ© and Jason have made a positive and lasting difference in the lives of Kenyan children, through their work with Kutoa Project. ShaΓ© has established trustworthy and stable alliances in the community. These vulnerable children and teenagers are receiving crucial mental health interventions in order to heal from trauma and create a bright future for themselves. ShaΓ© and Jason make daily efforts to connect with caregivers and people in the local community to offer their support and build connections.

By supporting Kutoa Project, you are making a difference in the lives of children affected by trauma, teenagers preparing for adulthood, young mothers trying to offer their children a brighter future, caregivers who dedicate their lives to orphaned children, program directors who ensure the children's safety, and people in the community who benefit from mental health awareness.

Kenya is a beautiful country with a fascinating culture. I thank you for taking the time to read about my experience and hope you consider increasing your support for Kutoa Project. If you have the opportunity to visit, I am sure you will also be greeted with a warm and genuine "karibu."   

Danielle DeAngelis

Mental Health Counselor & Kutoa Project Board Member

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