β€œI was once such a child”

Life can be unpredictable at times! We may go through tough times. I was one such child. Thankfully, my grandmother was there to listen and support me. This is how I learned that I can also offer the same to those that God brought my way.





Feel: A True Story of Sexual Assault and Pregnancy in Kenya.”

This story is just one story but instead of giving you all the statistics of teen pregnancy and sexual assault victims here in Kenya, we wanted you to hear it first hand. Numbers are just numbers but we believe that once you hear stories, you can’t not do something.


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Devotionals Shae Brown Devotionals Shae Brown

A True Friend

The other day, I saw something unique: a flute duet with… one flute! A girl with a broken arm was blowing into the instrument while her friend, with both able-bodied hands, pressed the keys to make the notes. They played a whole piece like that!

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Devotionals Shae Brown Devotionals Shae Brown

Waiting in Faith…

I don't know what you are waiting for. Is it a job opening, a financial breakthrough, a job, a health condition, a court case to be resolved, the salvation of a loved one, or any other thing you have been pursuing?

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Devotionals Shae Brown Devotionals Shae Brown

When A Bold Step Is Needed

Leprosy is highly contagious and in Bible times lepers were considered religiously unclean and outcasts in society. They were not allowed to attend religious events or mingle with the rest of the community.

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