When It Is Difficult!

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." Maya Angelou

We all have those days that seem harder than others! What about when we feel that some situations are getting out of hand? When something unexpected happens, that changes what we had in mind and throws us off our life balance! We might feel inadequate and vulnerable, uncertainty hits, and doubt starts to creep in! 

Remember these three things!

  • Believe that you are capable: This might be all it takes, even when it seems impossible! Be courageous and take that step forward. It doesn't matter how many steps you take but carry on! You will eventually get somewhere!! You are not alone!

  • Give yourself some grace: Life may not have turned the way you anticipated it. Please know that this doesn't mean that you are a failure! Pick yourself up and gather some strength! Give room for those feelings! Be okay with those tricky feelings- be it anger or frustration, and be okay with seeking help when ready! 

  • Identify what you are in control of and what you are not in control of. Sometimes it can be challenging when you find yourself in that difficult situation where you feel helpless and unsure how to maneuver that. The truth of the matter is, it is not your fault! 

The good news is that you are trying, which is all that is important, so don't give up! Even though life hasn't turned out the way you had planned, it does not mean that you have failed. There's no need to be harsh to yourself, judge yourself, or shy away from this truth.

If you need some additional help through a hard time, reach out to us. We are here to help you through difficult moments.

Many blessings, 


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