Dare To Fight For Your Mountain

Joshua and Caleb obeyed God and he promised them a special inheritance while they were still in the wilderness Caleb was 40 years old then.  At 80 years old, he still held to God's promise and was ready to fight for his inheritance (Mount Hebron).

What is your mountain? For some of us, it might be fear, low self-esteem, hopelessness, sickness, a bad habit, financial problem, or relationship issues. It may be that dream you have and it may look too big for you to an extent that you have given up or are about to give up.

Caleb was determined to believe nothing but the truth (the word of God). He was bold and not ready to settle for less. He dared to believe God for the impossible and won complete victory over the Amorites and nations in Canaan feared him!

The word of God should be our guide in every situation. God's word is all-powerful and when it is released in faith even the cedars of Lebanon (hard situations in our life) are broken. God has designed us to win and he has provided all the weapons that we need to fight and conquer our mountain. Your dream is still valid despite prevailing circumstances, so don't lose hope. Hebrews 10:23 encourages is to hold firmly to the hope we confess without wavering, for the one who made the promise is faithful. God remains faithful regardless of seasons and he is watching over his word to fulfill it. 

Every child of God has a mountain to conquer and he will not conquer it by mere human abilities. "It is not by power nor by might, but by my Spirit", says the Lord. Let's cooperate with him as we remain true to our faith. May you stay safe and strong in him and may you be empowered to conquer your mountain!!

Study Verse: Now therefore, give me this mountain of which the LORD spoke in that day; for you heard in that day how the Anakim were there, and that the cities were great and fortified. It may be that the LORD will be with me, and I shall be able to drive them out as the LORD said."

Shalom! Peace be with you all!


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