“I was once such a child”
Life can be unpredictable at times! We may go through tough times. I was one such child. Thankfully, my grandmother was there to listen and support me. This is how I learned that I can also offer the same to those that God brought my way.

Feel: A True Story of Sexual Assault and Pregnancy in Kenya.”
This story is just one story but instead of giving you all the statistics of teen pregnancy and sexual assault victims here in Kenya, we wanted you to hear it first hand. Numbers are just numbers but we believe that once you hear stories, you can’t not do something.
Explore Our Blog
Are you fearful? Angry? Confused?
While perfection does not exist, the hope is that we are moving forward in faith.
Do I Have To Lose Everything?
For several months, Norbert and Annie have been interested in the gospel.
A True Friend
The other day, I saw something unique: a flute duet with… one flute! A girl with a broken arm was blowing into the instrument while her friend, with both able-bodied hands, pressed the keys to make the notes. They played a whole piece like that!
Waiting in Faith…
I don't know what you are waiting for. Is it a job opening, a financial breakthrough, a job, a health condition, a court case to be resolved, the salvation of a loved one, or any other thing you have been pursuing?
Dare To Fight For Your Mountain
What is your mountain? For some of us, it might be fear, low self-esteem, hopelessness, sickness, a bad habit, financial problem, or relationship issues
Peace Be With You
Jesus' arrest and crucifixion were such a trying time for the disciples. They were anxious and frustrated, and their emotions flooded their hearts with fear.
When A Bold Step Is Needed
Leprosy is highly contagious and in Bible times lepers were considered religiously unclean and outcasts in society. They were not allowed to attend religious events or mingle with the rest of the community.
What Was In His Power?
Doing what is "in your power," thinking of him above all, is what is of value to Him.
Bearing One Another In Love
We are created in God's image, and one of the implications is that we are relational beings. We were not created to be lone rangers, so we are called to live in a community that can be as small as a close-knit family, a workplace, a local church, or as big as a province.
Do Not Abandon
In 1952, the American champion Florence Chadwick wanted to swim the 40 km which separate the Californian coast from the island of Santa Catalina.
The Bigger Picture
Hebrews 12 comes after chapter 11, which is known as ‘the Bible Hall Fame”. It gives a list of men and women that the Bible recognizes as heroes of the faith because they faithfully walked with God.
What Are You Living For?
We might not die physically, but we live for Christ every time we choose to sacrifice our fleshly desires for the sake of the Kingdom pursuit, and that is a significant gain.