Do Not Abandon

In 1952, the American champion Florence Chadwick wanted to swim the 40 km which separate the Californian coast from the island of Santa Catalina. After fifteen hours, a thick fog disoriented her, so much so that she gave up just 1 km from the finish. Two months later she made a second attempt, and again a heavy fog fell on the water. But she kept going and reached her destination, becoming the first woman to achieve this feat. When asked how she did it, Florence replied: β€œI was thinking very hard about the beach I wanted to reach, even though I couldn't see it anymore”.

This is an example for us Christians! We are so often tempted to give up, to be discouraged along the way, like the people of Israel on their way to the promised land (Numbers 21. 4).

How to live in times of darkness, discouragement, and temptation? 

Think about the goal! β€œDo not deny in darkness what you have seen in the light,” wrote an English poet. In times of distress, hold on to the memory of the many times the Lord has delivered us. Let us accept on behalf of Jesus what is happening in us, sadness, perhaps discouragement… and let us talk to him about all this in prayer. The secret to persevering writes the author of the letter to the Hebrews, is to fix your eyes on Jesus. Think a lot about Jesus in difficult times. He will help us overcome everything and stand firm.

(Excerpt from The Good Seed Publication)

Study Verse: Ps.116:1-5 [NKJV]

Shalom-Peace be to you!


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