Make It Count!

It’s Tuesday and it took a little extra time to get a message out today. Have you ever felt like there is not enough time in the day?

How are you doing? Really. How are you doing? 

Sometimes we need to ask that question twice so that you know we are here to listen and provide support.

As a caregiver, we need to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves to be there for others. Whether for those we care for, our children, or individuals in the community, we need to mentally be in a good place to provide the best help. 

The minor things can make the most significant differences in approaching difficult situations. 

Here are a few things to think about and practice for emotional health:

  • Be patient with yourself. Sometimes things will not happen in our own time. There is no need to beat ourselves so hard about this if that is the case! Distinguish that which is within our control and that which is not. This helps us to give ourselves some grace and to refocus! 

  • Reward yourself. This is about finding ways to reward ourselves for little and big things. For goals achieved and those that we are still working hard to achieve, create time to appreciate the effort we are putting in. 

  • Destress/practice mindfulness. Mindfulness meditation helps one be in the present moment and helps us stay focused and calm the stress levels. Mindfulness allows us to perform at our best. This exercise does not take much of our time, and it is easy to do!

  • Allocate time for yourself. It’s essential to spend time on ourselves, even when we have a lot on our plates. Spending time doing what we love can significantly impact our mental health. Selfcare is time to replenish! 

Let us make this coming month our best yet as we take care of every aspect of our lives! 

Until next time,

Maggie M.

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Bearing One Another In Love


Do Not Abandon